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Jonas Bonér

Public Speaker.
Powder Skier.
Perpetual Learner.
Jazz Fanatic.
Wannabee Musician.

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Seth Godin has written yet an amazing and inspirational piece on how to be remarkable. It is a short write-up of some of the ideas he has been talking and writing about for years.

Read it, be inspired and then…make something happen.

I am currently reading his new book Small Is the New Big, which is a collection of the best columns, blog posts and articles he has written over the years. It’s a gem.

If you have the urge to achieve something more in life, feel stuck, don’t dare taking the leap of faith to do what you are made to do and have a creativity nerve that keeps on nagging, then read it. Please read it. It might actually change your life.

…as its back cover boldly proclaims: “you’re smarter than they think”.