2005 has been a good year, both personally and professionally.
Here is a summary of some of the highlights (in chronological order):
Click on the image for a full-sized view.
- Family trip to Vietnam for 6 weeks. Amazing and beutiful country, friendly people, interesting culture, delicious food etc.
- The merge of AspectWerkz and AspectJ is announced .
- Sara and I skiing powder in Abisko (close to the pole circle) for 3 days - without kids! :-)
- Family trip to California for 2 weeks.
- Release of the support for AOP in the JRockit JVM.
- Left BEA and joined Terracotta.
- Jacob turned 2. Amazing little guy, that has gone from hardly speaking at all to someone talking so much that you hardly get anything said (or done), in just 4 months...
- Our family got a US VISA (we are moving over in mid Jan 2006).
- The release of AspectJ 5.