Jonas Bonér bio photo

Jonas Bonér

Public Speaker.
Powder Skier.
Perpetual Learner.
Jazz Fanatic.
Wannabee Musician.

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Alex and I will do a half-day tutorial on AspectWerkz at AOSD 2004.

The tutorial will be an introduction to AOP/AOSD and AspectWerkz and to how it can be used in real-world enterprise applications.

It will include hands-on exercises and we will show you how to implement services like:

  • Role-based security
  • Declarative transaction demarcation
  • Transparent persistence
  • Asynchronous method invocations
  • Caching
  • etc.
for regular POJOs (plain old java objects).

You can read more about the tutorial here.

We are looking forward to an interesting conference.

Hope to see you there.